We had a meeting with Felicia and Tyler's County Social worker, Guardian ad lidem, and recruiter on Tuesday morning. It was a grueling 2 hours of information giving and gathering as the social worker and GAL had on their "poker face". When it was all over they said that they would let us know by the weekend if we were still being considered to adopt the kids. We stayed and met with our case worker to debrief. None of us were sure how the meeting went because it was so hard to read the social worker and the GAL. When I returned to work there was a phone call from our case worker telling me that the group had barely made it to a restaurant for lunch when they decided undoubtedly that Jeff and I were the ones that they would like to adopt. What great news! Not quite the same as finding out you are pregnant but pretty cool! As excitement filled my body, anxiety and fear take over. I know that anxiety and fear do not come from the Lord so I must take those thoughts and emotions captive and give them to the ONE who saves! Our new journey begins Nov. 30th as we travel to Theif River Falls to meet the foster mom, teachers, counselors and therapists. If those meetings go well and Jeff and I still want to proceed with adoption we will meet the kids for the first time in December! Please pray for God to prepare their hearts as they are recovering from some bad news. They just found out that their respite family is not going to adopt them, and I'm sure they are feeling rejected!
I pray for their sweet little hearts to heal miraculously as we continue to move forward in this journey!
Thats so exciting!! Congrats!